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Republican Candidates Spar In Hostile Debate

Republican Candidates Spar in Hostile Debate

Intense Exchanges Over Policy and Personal Attacks

A heated debate between four Republican presidential hopefuls on Wednesday night turned into a battle of two factions, with each side seeking to undermine the commanding lead of former President Donald Trump.

Attacks on Foreign Policy and Education

Governor Nikki Haley and former Governor Chris Christie repeatedly criticized Trump's foreign policy decisions, while South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham attacked his education record. Haley accused Trump of withdrawing from Afghanistan "without a plan," while Graham slammed his lack of support for federal funding for public schools.

Personal Attacks and Name-Calling

The debate also featured personal attacks and name-calling. Haley referred to Christie as a "bully" and accused him of "lying" about his record. Christie retorted by calling Haley an "ambitious politician" and questioning her qualifications to be president.


The acrimonious debate highlighted the deep divisions within the Republican Party. The four candidates, despite their shared opposition to Trump, struggled to find common ground on critical issues such as foreign policy, education, and immigration.

As the race for the Republican nomination enters a crucial phase, these candidates will have to navigate the hostile atmosphere that has characterized their initial encounters and find a way to connect with voters and present a united front against Trump.
